November 16, 2012

Happy Birthday To You

We find reason to celebrate.
Success is a common wish.
Hope for some who already get.
Love if find is great.

Ageing is fun to remember.

Counting is just numbers.
Looking good is physical thing.
Feeling great is emotion.

Today,  I remember your birthday.

I remember the good tidings.
I remember yesterday.
I remember you.

You're one of the best persons in my life.

You're beautiful just the way you are.
This day is not between us.
It's a celebration of you.

I think having talk with you.

Reminiscing the past.
Having chat about the future.
A plain chat with you.

Happy Birthday!

Greetings of joy and love.
Continue doing what you want.
My prayer and wishing good luck.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the giving me this gift that trespasses space & time. I love you.
